Prohibited Drugs Policy


North Down Cricket Club Prohibited Drugs Policy – Statement

In line with Cricket Ireland/Sport NI guidance on the requirements of all clubs to have policies in areas of significance, please be aware of North Down Cricket Club’s policy on drug use.

This is a clear and important statement that is kept deliberately concise – please take a moment to read it and share.

‘The Executive Committee wishes to state that North Down Cricket Club operates a zero tolerance policy to illegal drug use from members and their guests when on our premises.

We are a family club, with a clear responsibility to ensure that all members – young and old – are not exposed to illegal behaviour on the club premises or when representing our club.

We also secure the future of our club by operating it as a business and illegal drug use on the premises puts the licenses to run this business, and by extension the club’s future, at risk.

These are risks we are not willing to take.

Therefore, any member or guest found guilty by way of probability of possessing and/or using illegal drugs on the premises can expect to receive a high level of sanction which may include permanent expulsion from the club membership or suspension from using the facilities, as we seek to preserve the good name and sporting traditions of North Down CC.

We hope and trust that neither of these measures will ever be required and that the zero tolerance approach is understood by all.’

North Down Cricket Club Executive Committee

Prohibited Drugs Policy

The aims of this policy are to promote a safe, healthy and responsible Club environment, free from prohibited drugs. This prohibited drug policy applies to all members, their guests, visitors and those responsible for and attending private hires (by both members and non-members).

All members and non-members are not permitted to possess, supply, traffic, or be under the influence of, prohibited drugs whilst at the Club and representing the Club in any form anywhere else, at any time under any circumstances. Prohibited drugs include those substances recognised as a prohibited drug and/or defined as illegal under national laws and local regulations.

Players representing the club are prohibited from participating in any game, following the consumption of, or whilst under the influence of prohibited drugs. Returning to participation under the influence of prohibited drugs is a disciplinary offence and will likely result in termination of membership of the Club.

The Club reserves the right to inform the police should the situation warrant it, if it appears that illegal behaviour is taking place, or if said behaviour is, or may result in, endangering the health and safety of those concerned or others, and those concerned are refusing to take the advice of a representative of the Club to cease.

Any member who is in possession of or traffics prohibited drugs at the Club or any venue where the Club is represented will face disciplinary action. In instances in which this policy is breached and injury to people, or damage to property occurs, the Club will not accept liability. All incidents and breaches must be referred to the Club Executive Committee prior to disciplinary action being undertaken.

(If any player is taking, or may be taking, prescribed or non-prescribed medication with side effects which could affect his/her performance (e.g. drowsiness), he/she must notify his/her captain prior to taking the prescribed drug or commencing duties or play. Under no circumstances is prescription medicine to be offered to other players.)

Communication of this policy will occur at registration of any new Club member, and will be regularly re-visited by the Club Executive Committee.