Posted: 4 months ago

Monday Cricket Update

Rain, rain and more rain.

Not all heroes wear capes…

The grounds department are going to have their work cut out this year in what seems destined to be a race to be ready for the start of the season but we have a good one, and The Green won’t let us down!

Membership Early Bird Offer is open until this Sunday then prices will revert to 2024 rates so get yourself a bargain and get the whole family signed up HERE

NCU Gameday Registration – new this season all players must register with the NCU directly to be eligible to play – this is nothing to do with the club, we can’t do it for you – so get yourself registered HERE

Coming soon…

Indoor nets for the 2s-5s have finished but they hope to start outdoors next week (umbrellas at the ready) while the 1stXI continue indoors and are gradually welcoming the guys back from winter sports/foreign climes/overseas tours/school exams…

See below for details of our kids Easter Camp and get them signed up – what a great time for a few days indoor preparation, just to be ready in time for the new season.

Tune in again tomorrow for a further update on social events and new articles on the site.

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