In the life of North Down CC the last month or so since the AGM has been the quiet season. And I can tell you, the ‘close season’ for the Officers and committees is a very short one!

Christmas will soon be upon us and after that we’re in to 2025 and the nights will be lengthening out as we begin to think seriously about the new season. Scary really as it feels like the last one isn’t that long finished.

A quick re-cap on some key areas.
1. Overseas player – the cricket committee have been hard at work on this one and have provided details to the Executive so we’ll hopefully hear some news about that in the not too distant future.
2. NCU Dinner – a small but merry band joined with our fellow clubs to celebrate the season just past and had an enjoyable night at Stormont. Not enough trophies on our table but that, as always, is a work in progress – not sure what happened but it seems the only photo taken on the night, at the after-party, came out (appropriately maybe) blurred… The NCU AGM follows this week.

3. The cricket group have been busy continuing work on a development plan across all areas of of cricketing activities, this will hopefully be something that everyone will be invited to contribute to if they wish in the New Year.
4. Our youth academy players continue to work indoors every week – and have been joined by new men’s skipper Tyron Koen, the last few weeks have been all about batting – power hitting, drives, sweeps – you name it, runs galore next season!

Our friends at LASA have night planned at The Green, a pop-up boodle in fact, check out the details HERE
And of course with it being the festive season there will be plenty going on at The Green so keep an eye on social media…